Markets & bets
How are markets structured?
Events, their outcomes, and odds are provided by independent Oracles
All events are structured in the following way: Sport -> League -> Event -> Game -> Market -> Outcome
Sport, e.g. Football, Esport, etc.
League, e.g. "Liga pro"
Condition (Event): "Union Santa fe - Sarmiento de Junin"
Market: Full-time result
Outcome: 1
Odds: 2.42
If you wager $100 on 2.42 odds for Union Santa fe to win (Outcome 1), you will receive $242 if Union Santa fe wins. You will lose your initial stake ($100) if Sarmiento de Junin wins (Outcome 2).
How bets are represented on the chain?
Players make bets via on the outcomes of the events. Winning participants get funds from liquidity pools as a multiplier of their initial wager on the odds. Lost bets are deposited into the liquidity pools for future payments.
Oracles create events on the protocol and provide initial odds. Liquidity Providers transfer funds into liquidity pools and receive compensation for the facilitation of bets.
Canceled Bets: If an event is canceled, Oracles will designate those conditions as canceled. The initial bets made by players will be refunded and can be redeemed from the liquidity pool on the app.
Nobody can interfere with the betting process because everything is recorded on-chain and overseen by independent Oracles.
Last updated